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Joint Pain

Joint Pain

A joint’s cartilage, bone, ligaments, tendons, muscles, or other supporting structures can all cause pain, discomfort, or inflammation that is referred to as joint pain. However, arthritis or arthralgia—inflammation or pain originating within the joint—are the most prevalent terms used to describe joint pain.

Joint pain can range from a mild soreness mainly after specific activities, to severe pain with minimal movement (especially when carrying weight).

GA Interventional Pain

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We offer expertise in interventional pain procedures, regenerative medicine, and musculoskeletal medicine.

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Numerous diseases or traumas can result in joint discomfort. It might be connected to bursitis, arthritis, and sore muscles. Joint discomfort, whatever the cause, can be excruciating. Among the factors that may result in joint discomfort are:

Autoimmune conditions including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis

  • Bursitis
  • Pasteurella chondromalaciae
  • Gout, particularly in the big toe, and CPPD arthritis (pseudogout) can also cause crystals to form in the joint.
  • Viruses that induce infections
  • Traumatic injury (i.e. fracture)
  • Arthritis in the bones
  • Inflammation/infection of the bones, osteomyelitis
  • Septic arthritis (infection of the joint)
  • Tendinitis

Overuse or unusual effort, including sprains or strains


Inflammatory joint symptoms include:

  • Swelling, warmth, sensitivity to touch
  • Redness

Discomfort when moving


Try an over-the-counter analgesic like naproxen sodium (Aleve) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and so on).

For certain kinds of joint discomfort, physical therapy may be beneficial. Exercises can strengthen the muscles that surround joints and increase range of motion. Braces or splints could be necessary in some situations.

Your doctor might advise injecting drugs or other materials straight into your joint in specific circumstances. As examples, consider:

  • A corticosteroid medication injected into your knee joint may help lessen the symptoms of an arthritis flare-up and offer temporary pain relief. Not every situation can benefit from these infusions.


  • Hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a viscous fluid that is injected into the knee to increase mobility and reduce pain. It is comparable to the fluid that lubricates joints naturally. Even though research on this treatment’s efficacy has yielded conflicting results, alleviation with a single or series of shots may endure up to six months.


  • Plasma rich in platelets (PRP). Numerous growth factors that are concentrated in PRP seem to lessen inflammation and encourage healing. Although some research has indicated that PRP may help certain patients with osteoarthritis, more research is required.

Partial or total knee replacement surgery may be explored as a treatment for knee pain.


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Comprehensive Pain Solutions

We specialize in back, neck, and joint pain interventions, catering to diverse needs.