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Degenerative Disk

Degenerative Disk

The soft disks that cushion your vertebrae start to shrink and dry up as you get older. This reduces the amount of space between the vertebrae, which lessens the flexibility and stability of the spine. This may result in numbness, weakness, or pain. The nature and intensity of symptoms associated with a degenerative disk might vary greatly and are not always present.

The firm, slick substance called cartilage, which covers the ends of bones where they meet to create joints, deteriorates as a result of osteoarthritis. The illness known as rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the body’s immune system targets the joints, starting with the joint lining.

GA Interventional Pain

Get relief from pain and regain your life with our pain management services.
We offer expertise in interventional pain procedures, regenerative medicine, and musculoskeletal medicine.

Trust us to provide effective solutions for your back, neck, and joint pain. Let’s work together towards a pain-free future!


  • Degenerative disk disease may be brought on by immune system dysfunction and genetics

  • Long-term driving (such as that of a long-haul trucker or taxi driver), obesity, smoking, age, and chronic inflammation are nongenetic variables that increase the risk of degenerative disk disease.


  • Arms or legs feeling weak or numb
  • Issues with bowel, bladder, and walking control
  • Damage to the nerves, discomfort, and restricted movement.


NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, have the ability to lessen inflammation and decrease pain. Naproxen sodium (Aleve) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and other brands) are two examples. More potent NSAIDs may irritate your stomach and raise your risk of stroke or heart attack. NSAIDs can also be used topically to joints as gels or lotions.

In order to promote healing of the back and lessen the frequency of excruciating flare-ups, physical therapy can assist stretch and strengthen the appropriate muscles.

  • Injecting Steroids
  • The damaged disk is removed during this process.

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Comprehensive Pain Solutions

We specialize in back, neck, and joint pain interventions, catering to diverse needs.